0457 248 889
Inspire Early Intervention
Holistic Early Intervention & Wellbeing Clinic

Do you or your child have Aspergers, autism, ADHD, ADD, MTHFR, anxiety or depression?
Do you suffer from digestive problems, pain, eczema, inflammation, allergy, intolerance or have recurrent colds, ear infections, headaches, muscle cramps, constant tiredness or hyperactivity?
Do you need guidance and support for eating, sleeping or toileting concerns?
Would you like complementary support in collaboration with your medical treatment?
At Inspire Early Intervention, I offer an individualised holistic practical approach to everyones health and wellbeing,
looking at the "whole person", not just the symptom. I aim to identify and address the root cause of the health concern, by looking at diet, nutrition and deficiencies, genetics, physical routines, daily structure, gut health, beliefs, immunity, nutritional and environmental toxins, food and chemical sensitivities, intolerances and allergies, to name a few.
Functional Testing is available if required
Clinical Services DNA profile testing (Comprehensive reports include nutritional and lifestyle recommendations)
MTHFR, Pyrroles, food and chemical sensitivity, intolerance and allergy tests, toxic metal testing, complete digestive stool analysis, Helicobacter Pylori antibodies, ALCAT food sensitivity, Organic acids, vitamin and mineral analysis, hair mineral analysis, mould, mycotoxins, glyphosate, histamine and oxalate testing.
Treatments and Wellbeing plans may include:-
- Nutrigenomics
- BioIndividual nutrition, resources and support
- Custom Compounding
- Alkalising and cleansing
- Gut repair and replenishment
- MTHFR / methylation Support
- Guidance, positivity and motivation
- Homeobotanical therapy
- Holistic counselling/life coaching
- Mindfulness & Relaxation
Initial - Naturopathic Consultation
In clinic or online (allow 90 mins). $200
Includes a comprehensive personal and family health history, relevant tests and examinations, followed by treatment, practical nutritional and lifestyle guidance for your current concern.
If you choose to have regular follow-up sessions, I will then create a personalised well-being plan, specifically for your child or yourself, to suit your requirements, preferences, lifestyle and budget.
Each plan may include nutrition, exercise, cleansing and replenishing strategies, relaxation, guidance, suggestions and support for increased health and happiness, which I am very happy to help you or your child achieve.
Follow on - Naturopathic Consultation
In clinic (allow 60 mins) $150 ( includes some time to relax, sip a drink, listen to calm music and enjoy an aromatherapy footbath or head massage.
Online ( allow 50 mins) $120
Mini Online (allow 30 min) for children/ Mamma coaching or long-term well-being plans $80
Personalised support to achieve your health and well-being goals, any test results, evaluation of progress, treatment, motivation and guidance